How Do We Prepare Kids for Jobs We Can't Imagine Yet? Teach Imagination

I bet it must have been difficult visualizing the kind of job you are doing by your teachers, parents and even by yourself. Quite a number of us are pursuing carriers we had no idea existed in the first place. With the unpredictability of the future job market it’s even more difficult for schools to set up the next generation for success. Schools are now faced with a task of fostering creativity and engaging the students in imaginative thinking.

Rita J. King and Joshua Fouts are co-directors of a project that was started at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette whose theme being a focus on this Imaginative Age. At a time where the world systems require a new breed of imaginative individuals it is paramount for humanity to work together in imagining and creation of systems both for economy and culture. The two have come up with a system to test and evaluate ways that can be incorporated in real teaching situations to be used in creativity and imagination building.

As expected, the research has been placed in a web portal for a free and easy use by all individuals. Their research revolved around fostering imagination and creative thinking and from the research the solutions and ideas that work best have been enumerated in the portal.

The portal provides all the information that you need in form of articles and videos that are helpful in understanding how to improve your imagination and creativity which comes in handy especially in nurturing new methods of delivering academic content. Though a number of the approaches may be unrealistic for given situations such as learning from robots as some as some learning conditions wouldn’t allow that. Other suggestions that proved to let individuals think outside the box include the use of social media in the classroom.